FAQ | Centrale Hotel Kyotango -Kyoto, JAPAN- - Centrale Hotel Kyotango -Kyoto, JAPAN-

Centrale Hotel Kyotango -Kyoto, JAPAN-


Centrale Hotel Kyotango -Kyoto, JAPAN- > FAQ
Is Wi-Fi available?

Yes! We provide free Wi-Fi in all guest rooms and lobby areas in 1st and 2nd floors.

In the list of available wireless networks, click “centrale,” and then click Connect.




Tell me how to connect to free Wi-Fi in the hotel building?

Choose “centrale” in the list of available Wi-Fi. (No password required.)

Is there a guest room for guests with disability?

Yes, we have a guest room accessible with wheel chair.

Guest Rooms

Is your hotel wheel chair friendly?

Yes. Our facility is almost everywhere wheel chair accessible. We have a guest room and bathroom with wheel chair access. We also have slope for wheel chair to our garden and wedding chapel.

Do you allow smoking in the guest rooms?

We are sorry but all guest rooms are no smoking allowed. We have smoking space in the first and second floors.

Is there a room charge for children?

Yes, as long as child guest uses bed or futon and has meals. However, it is free of charge for children in preschool and younger with no meal or bed/futon use.

Is there safty box in the guest room?

Yes, all guest roooms have safety boxes.

Is there a laundry facility in the hotel building?

We are sorry but we don’t. There is a laundromat within 2 min drive and another one in 5 min drive.

How to pay fees?

We accept cash or credit cards (Visa, Master, JCB, American Express etc) when the guests check out.

What time is your check-in and check-out time?

Check-in begins at 3:00 pm and check-out is 10:00 am.





Before I check-in or after I check-out, can you store my luggage?

Yes, we can store your luggage at the front desk.

Do you accommodate early check-in or/and accept late check-out?

If you arrive before 3:00 pm, we will try our best to let you check-in as soon as possible. You may have to wait in the lobby or at our restaurant. Or you could leave your luggage at the front desk and go out.

Late check-out is available till 5:00 pm with extra fee, though it depends on room availability of your departure date. Please contact us by phone call or email in advance for late check-out arrangement.

Can I place a special ordeer for anniversaries, such as birthday cake?

Yes. Please contact us in advance.

Do you have walk-in restaurant or eatry in the building?

Yes. We have walk-in eatry providing Japanese light meal, such as noodles, rice bowls and fried chicken combos. We also offer other dinner and lunch menu by reservation. Please contact us about other menu in advance.

Can you accommodate guests with food allegies?

Yes, we can. Pleasereport it to us upon arrival.

Do you have vegetarian and vegan menu?

Yes. Please contact us upon your arrival. We will tell you our vegetarian and vegan menu.

Do you have shuttle service from/to the closest station or bus stop?

Yes, we provide shuttle service to our over-night guests. We pick up at and give a ride to Kyotango-Omiya station of Kyoto Tango Railway.

We also give a ride from/to Omiya road park bus stop of Tango Kairiku Kotsu Express Bus (bound from/for Osaka and Kyoto).

Please contact us in advance via email (or phone) to confirm your arrival/departure time for shuttle service.

Is there bank or ATM close by?

Yes, There is a Japanese Post Bank ATM about 3 min drive from our hotel. There are also a couple of banks and ATMs within 5 min driving distance.

Is there a convienience store close by?

Yes, there are a couple of them, Lawson and Family Mart within 5 min driving distance.

Is there a drug store close by?

Yes, there are 2 drug stores in 5 min drive.

Do you have parking? Is it free?

Yes, we have free parking for our guest use.


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